Aim Academics is looking for part-time and full-time tutors to provide in center tutoring at one of our locations and online tutoring services to students worldwide. If you have a mastery of ANY subject, we would like to hear from you!
Apply to teach at one of our Tutoring Centers
Please send us an email with your resume and required details to If your qualifications match with our available position, one of our representatives will contact via email. Thank you!
Required Details in the Email
In the subject area of the email please mention the following:
Which location you are interested. Example: Canton, Farmington, Northville, Novi
Which subject can you teach. Example: Math, English, Science, ACT, SAT, TOEFL, AP Classes
Which level: Elementary, Middle, High, Advance, ACT, SAT, TOEFL
Expected Compensation range
Teaching experience
Ability to work at different center
Passion for teaching
Apply to teach online
You may be located anywhere in the world; if you have a computer with a broadband Internet connection, you can now be part of the revolution in teaching & learning. Please read the requirements below and send us your resume and required details to Thank you!
Method of Online Tutoring
The tutoring will be provided online using audio and data conferencing. Prospective tutors must have access to the following:
A personal computer with a broad band Internet access
Computer speakers and a microphone
Internet telephone software Skype (freely available at
For some subjects, a digital tablet & pen mouse is highly recommended (details will be provided to you)
The tutoring will also use a shared white board software that would be made available for free. Instructions for obtaining and installing the required software will be provided prior to the tutoring session.
Tutoring Subjects & Goals
Math, Science, English Language Arts, or any other subject
Elementary, Middle, High School, and College Level, as well as general interest topics
Homework help
Preparation for standardized tests such as GED, PSAT, SAT, GRE, GMAT
Required Qualifications for Tutors
A minimum of bachelors degree in the subjects you would like to teach
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English Language
Some teaching experience
Ability to work during time zones to suit the students in Europe, North America, or Australia (please see Time Zones)
Passion for teaching
Required Details
If you meet the above requirements, please send your resume and the following details to
One paragraph write up on why you would like to do online tutoring
Your compensation expectations
Your Skype Username
Your available hours (in USA EST)